"Adaptability across markets...,

expertise, and proactive approach made them a great asset"

Since inception, CAPP has successfully focused on positioning, transforming, and progressing brands and increasing sustainable growth for start ups and small to medium sized businesses.

CAPP has successfully launched new brands, expanded brands into new and emerging markets, built and managed sales teams internationally, identified and implemented joint ventures, and grown revenue and profitability for businesses globally.

Our success is attributed to our philosophy of providing each of our clients with the personal and localized attention they deserve, by working both with and within their business to maximize results.


We can create, develop, and manage implementation of your entire brand strategy and positioning... or we can simply help out where you need our assistance.


We strategically and practically explore and identify new and existing commercial opportunities to generate and sustain revenue.


We work together with each client based on their circumstances and the areas of desired development, to identify, explore, plan and execute strategic initiatives to increase efficiency, market share and profitabity.

2006 - 2016 CAPP Global Inc. - info@cappglobal.com